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Learn about Flinkwerk's technical components.

Containers and Kubernetes

Flinkwerk utilizes container technology.

Containers are the building blocks of cloud-native applications today. Kubernetes is the powerhouse that enables containers at scale, but comes with challenges. For one, it's not developer friendly, at least not without configuring additional tools and has a steep learning curve. In addition, it's only one part of the stack. You'll need to identify and integrate tools for DevOps and SaaS billing to automate the complete software supply and sales chain.

For example, serverless platforms aim to solve those problems with developer friendly solutions that scale in response to load, but without the overhead of configuring servers. However, this comes at a cost. For one, not everything can be boiled down into a function like serverless platforms generally require. In addition, applications are not portable and can force vendor lock-in.

What if a solution gave you the best of Kubernetes, serverless, DevOps and SaaS billing, while putting forward a first-class developer experience? Welcome to Flinkwerk!

Flinkwerk gives you the ability to automate software development, deployment and distribution. You can run containers for any type of workload, such as serverless, batch jobs, microservices, or even traditional Web applications. Use your favourite DevOps tools for testing, monitoring, etc. with Flinkwerk. Take advantage of the power of Kubernetes without having to learn the complexities.

Sell or share any container-based application or cloud resource on our marketplace while Flinkwerk takes care of recurring billing for you. All in one developer-friendly platform.


Flinkwerk is a comprehensive and flexible solution providing the following technical components:

All Flinkwerk components can be integrated with DevOps tools available inside as well as outside Flinkwerk Marketplace, such as GitHub or GitLab, Runners for building container images, container registries, Kubernetes clusters, etc.