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This is a technical overview of the functionality Flinkwerk provides.

For a high level product overview, take a look at the Features page on our Website.

Cloud Native Computing System

Flinkwerk is a downloadable software and an ongoing live service operation of a customizable Cloud Native Computing System. It combines Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with Continuous Sales/Sharing (CS). CS provides automated recurring billing through Flinkwerk Marketplace.


Through its Cloud Native Computing System functionality, Flinkwerk complements DevOps with the business aspect of software production - what we call DevOpsBiz.

Flinkwerk DevOpsBiz

For each step in a software supply chain and its corresponding DevOpsBiz cycle, Flinkwerk provides the following automation and integration functionality.



Optimize planning by getting instant feature feedback through Preview URLs.

User your favourite planning tool from outside or inside Flinkwerk Marketplace.


Simplify pipelines and local development by using Flinkwerk Config and Flinkwerk CLI.

Create flexible stacks with reusable setups to get production-like environments for local development and instant onboarding.

Less complexity, configuration and documentation lets you focus on coding.


Build and push containers automatically and instantly - remotely or from pipelines.

Get security-checked containers which are also optimized for size and layer.


Run tests remotely or from pipelines to avoid occupying local development resources.

Issue just one command to run 360° tests without installing libraries locally on a developer's computer.



Automatic Release Management and release file checks with Flinkwerk CLI.

Release more often and optimize artifact management.


Continuous delivery of isolated and full stack instances per environment such as development, staging or production lead to faster feature delivery and less merge issues.

Deploy Kubernetes resources with simplified secret management and control deployment states with our dashboard.


Integrate your preferred service for performance and uptime monitoring, distributed logging, metrics or incident management available inside or outside Flinkwerk Marketplace.


Shell access into container instances.

Secure, backed up clusters with wildcard SSL certificates and load balancing.

Clone or migrate full stacks to different domains or new tenants with hard isolation.

Automatically scale clusters by configuring response time and cap for expenses.



Use Helm, Docker Compose or a Dockerfile to describe a cloud-native stack to sell it as a product.

Pre-configure required inputs from a buyer, as well as required cluster resources and pricing.

Get peace of mind from a standard contract between vendor and buyer for all transactions on Flinkwerk Marketplace.


During the checkout process, buyers will be asked for required inputs such as the domain name of the production instance.

Buyers can opt for deployment on our clusters or a Kubernetes cluster provided by them.


Vendors benefit from our integrated payment solution instead of developing their own.

Buyers can access a purchased cloud application within minutes after purchase instead of setting up everything on their own.


Create new products by combining and integrating third-party products from our marketplace into a new packaged solution.

Pre-configure instances for buyers.

Sellers can offer services and support through an SLA along with their product on Flinkwerk Marketplace.