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You can base your project or product on another product in Flinkwerk Marketplace. For example, if you want to create a WordPress application, configure the following in your Flinkwerk project configuration:

type: app
sku: their-org/their-app:5.*

Your custom code will be deployed automatically through Flinkwerk without the need to define a Dockerfile or Helm charts, because they are already included in the base product.

Besides app as the context, as shown in the previous example, you could specify helm instead, as outlined here:

type: helm
sku: their-org/their-chart
version: 12.1.*

When inheriting from Helm charts, the version attribute denotes the chart version, not the application version.

Inheritance can be nested. This means that your project can inherit from an application which inherits from another application, and so on. Dependencies defined by the base product will be deployed along with your project.