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Develop Your Project

Create a simple "Hello world!" HTML file and use NGINX Open Source to serve it to the Web.

  1. In .flinkwerk/config.yaml, add the following lines to create your project on top of NGINX. In this example, NGINX is provisioned through the Bitnami NGINX Helm chart:

    type: helm
    sku: bitnami/nginx
    repository: ""

    This configuration enables Flinkwerk to later automatically deliver your HTML file within the NGINX instance deployed by the open-source Helm Chart.

  2. Add the following Dockerfile in your project root:

    FROM bitnami/nginx
    COPY app /app
  3. Develop and add your custom code to the new app/ folder in your project root. Simply create a folder named app and then add a file called index.html in this folder containing this content:

    <h1>Hello world!</h1>
  4. Add and commit this file to your local project Git repository, which the previous flinkwerk init command automatically created for you, with this command:

    git commit -am "Flinkwerk quickstart"

By the way, there are over 6,000 other charts available for free at Artifacthub, all of which you can use as described above.